Obec:  História   Starosta   Obecné zastupiteľstvo  Zápisnice  VZN   Formuláre

Futbal:  A-mužstvo   Dorast   Žiaci 

Kultúra:  Kultúrny dom   Folklór   Hobby stretnutia  Pamiatky

Spolky:  Farnosť    Poľovníci   Červený kríž    Hlavná strana


  According to permanent residence information (as of July 30, 2005), there are 1344 inhabitants registered in our village. The land area is 982 hectares.  The population density is 136.86 13 per km², the unemployment rate is 8.17 %,

  The brief history of the village

  The first written mention about Krakovany comes from 1113´s document of the Zobor monastery, where it was quoted under the name of CRACO. Coming back to the history, it is necessary to remark that village Stráže merged into  Krakovany on January 1, 1944. The time of their origin is not exactly known but from the beginning, the two merged villages of Krakovany and Stráže had their own histories and prehistories. The time referred to as prehistory took place before these villages had today’s names. Both villages had some settlements in the Stone Age. Even though the bones of a mammoth (2 Mil. – 8500 BC) and latest  mammoth tusk were found in Stráže, the settlement in both villages started in the later Stone Age (5000-280 BC) and continued through the Bronze and Iron Age. There is a valuable pottery kiln that belongs to the most precious findings from this period. In Stráže, the most valuable findings come from the Earlier Roman Period (200 – 300 AD). These were counts´ tombs with multiple silver and gold Roman artifacts. This is the famous Stráže Treasure which caused so much sensation and because of its great value it becomes a part of the permanent exposition of the National Treasury.  The later phase of the Slavic settlement (7 th  – 8 th Century AD) is situated in the area of Krakovany, however there is no doubt that the settlement spread into Stráže.  This settlement can be ascribed to our oldest Slavic ancestors who came to this area during the Great Migration of Nations and settled in places that were abandoned by the Celts and the Germans. After the Hungarian Empire had been established, all the land was confiscated by the monarchy. One third remained as a property of the king, one third was available for the counties and castles and one third became a property of the Church. Stráže remained the royal property. In the oldest written document from 1113, this village is mentioned as “Villa Spectaculi” which means the sentinel village, and it is considered as a border point of the Zobor properties. The medieval period of these two villages proceeded in a modified form according to the attributes given them from the beginnings of their existence. Stráže became an important toll collecting place on the way to Nové Mesto nad Váhom. The importance of Stráže is confirmed by the fact that Oponický, the future landlord of Stráže, received permission to build either a wooden or stone fortress on a hill in 1421.  However, a problem of the old church building in Krakovany that collapsed in the 18th century must be archeologically solved yet.  It must have been built in the 11th century, at the time when the building techniques were not on such a level as in the 14the century.  That is the reason why the church in Stráže, built in the 14th century, remains in its original shape. The individual folk art and production in a more organized social form started to be emphasized at the end of the 19the century, but mostly at about the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries. The most significant cultural activities were strongly influenced by sacred works and activities of young priests administering in the village. Gradually, there were formed associations of amateur theatres, folklore ensembles and brass band music that can be compared with the professionals. Our village is famous for excellent results in promotion and preservation of folklore, original customs and traditions and spreading our culture among Slovak and foreign visitors.

  Cultural monuments

  Saint Gal Church, built in the second half of the 14th century, Saint Nicholas Church, the curie, the wall of the fencing at the Saint Gal Church, watermill in Stráže, gravestones, sculptures of saints situated at various places in the village.


  Industry and Construction 

  Krakovany village is a very attractive destination both for Slovak and foreign investors. It has suitable location (8 km far from the motorway, direct railway connection) and approved urban planning  (Region Plan, the Plan of Economic and Social Development). According to this, about ten companies have decided to build here their operations in the last two years.  To mention some of those realized – it was the British-American company Wabash Ltd. or the Slovak AGE, Ltd. There are three industrial zones in the Urban Plan of the village which gradually have become the place of investment acquisition. Apart from the industry development, a vast housing construction have been planned and its first phase will start this year by selling estates that are properties in ownership of the village. House construction in other localities depends on the agreement with owners of these estates and on the infrastructure accessibility.


  Our village is fully electrified (a new transformer station, fixed in March, allows new development), gasified, with a duct run by TAVOS ground water company. Sewage is being constructed. The part of a sewage water collector (SVC), pump house CS 1 and a pressure pump opening of the SVC has been realized. Sewage construction will continue after the finance from the EU Structural Fund is gained. In capacity, the projected sewage system will be convenient to the planned population increase according to the approved urban plan.

There is a possibility to log into a local cable distribution system or various kinds of high-speed internet (DSL, WiFi, mobile high-speed or EDGE).

   Future of the village

  The village has determined some of the strategic targets and priorities in the Plan of Economic and Social Development, approved with the participation of the citizens. The most important targets are: to publish a book and handout about  the village, to provide the public internet access, to reconstruct the cultural centre area and  open air amphitheatre, to reconstruct and built all public sports fields, to create conditions for health care provision and all kinds of business, to support industrial zones serviceability, to develop sector of services, to finish the utilities network construction, to reconstruct the local roads, to develop the suburban cycling transport facilities.

  Culture, organizations and clubs

  The village is full of rich cultural and social life. One of the well-known cultural activity is the annual District Folklore Festival where the regional and foreign folklore ensembles and folk fans come to meet. Exhibitions of historical photographs, traditional bobbin lace with the live demonstration are all activities related to this festival.  The popularity of traditional old music and dance can be proved in existence of several folklore ensembles like FE LUSK, FE Krakovanka, Children’s ensemble Krakovanček. The folklore of Krakovany finds its future performers among the pupils of its elementary school and kindergarten where there are led by skilled professionals.

  Our folkmusic demos (mp3):   01  02  03  04  05  06  07  08  09  10  11  12

The citizens can take part in number of cultural activities organized by the village, elementary school, kindergarten or interest groups of the village. There are following events organized during the year: Valentine (resp. village) ) Ball, Fancy-dress Ball, Mother´s Day and Father´s Day – program arranged by small children and pupils of elementary school, folklore festival, Parish Party, Catherine Party, Christmas and Easter Markets, Christmas Party for pensioners. Besides, young people can have fun at discotheques that have had very long tradition. 

The degree of awareness and cultural character is reflected in quarterly paper Hlas Krakovian (The Voice of Krakovany), which is available also in electronic form on the village website www.krakovany.sk.

The village cannot live by folklore alone. Roman-Catholic parsonage office in Krakovany, operating also in nearby villages of Trebatice and Ostrov, organizes several cultural activities. As the most important we can mention the annual youth meeting of the Piešťany deanery that takes place in Krakovany amphitheatre. Young believers with the presence of singers and animators take part in this meeting. H. E. nuncio Henryk Nowacki, ambassador of the Holy See to Slovakia, celebrated the festive Holy Mass last year.

Organization with the highest number of members is the local group of Red Cross Slovakia (further RCS) that is also known with its wide range activities. Among the most important annual activities we can include the Daffodil Day (2nd April) when the members of the group in cooperation with the League Against Cancer collect money for charities by selling daffodils.  

Other activities are dealing with children (first aid course, barbecues, trips, flying kites), then educational lectures, the autumn garden exhibition, summer holidays at the sea, meeting older citizens within the Respect for Older Month, Advent actions, so called Christmas Drop of Blood (organized by local blood donors) and so on.

There are other organizations in the village: huntsmen (called “Králik” – The Rabbit), firemen, The Slovak Breeder Association Local Club,  local organization of the Slovak Bee-keeper’s Association, Youths Club, The Club of Christian Youth, Bobbin Lacing Club, Krakovany singing group.


The village life is closely connected with the sport activities, mainly with football. The local Sports Club Družstevník Krakovany has been having a great effect on the village life. Under its logo, the footballers of A-team (seniors), juniors and pupils have gained great sport results and our A-team is taking part at the 5th league in the competition year of 2005/06.

Referring to sport, we do need to mention only football. Also the local table tennis club has been the winner of the 5th league for several years. The cultural centre is the place for their trainings and matches. Young people can visit a fitness which is the part of the youth club and is situated in the centre of the village.

The new area of a clay tennis playground offers an opportunity to play tennis under high quality conditions.

The Považský Marathon belongs to one of the most important sports events that the village regularly takes part in. The main line of the competition goes through our village with the turn on the Saint Nicholas Square. This is the competition with a long tradition and the 43 th annual competition with an international participants was organized in 2005.

 History of Krakovany

Krakovany Today


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