Our citizens participates on For a common Europe – St.Vincenc day´s 2016

The project « For a common Europe – St.Vincenc day´s 2016 »was funded with the support of the European Union under the Programme „Europe for Citizens“  
Applicable to the Strand 2 – Measure 2.1„Town-Twinning”
Participation: The project involved 311 citizens, notably 130 participants from the city of Podgora (Croatia),

87 participants from the municipality of Krakovany(Slovakia), 28 participants from the city Szerencs (Hungary), 30 participants from the city of Vrbové (Slovakia),  6 participants from the civil association Communitas Europeana (Serbia), 14 participants from the city Kralice na Hane (Czech Republic), 16 participants from the city Rožňava (Slovakia).
Location/ Dates: The event took place in Podgora, Croatia, from 19/08/2016 to 22/08/2016

Short description: The day of 19/08/2016 was dedicated to presentation of European parliament’s representative on topic „Historical milestones in EU’s creation, its achievements as basis of its solid future, to presentation of Strategy Europe 2020 and EU’s enlargement, to shows of Slovak and Hungary into the EU–experiences, problems, recommendations for ordinary citizens’ lives, to minorities’ rights protection in EU states – representative of Podgora – with emphasis on historical connections and Croatia’s experiences, to presentation of the EU’s members experiences with life in the EU, their entry, changes and problems in application of democratic values in citizens’ lives, to presentation of instruments for EU policies application in practice – EU funds, European initiatives, elections. Participants learned topics of European citizenship, active participation in EU democratic life, enhance trust in the EU, implementation of EU policies in citizens‘ lives at the municipal level, citizens‘ fundamental rights. Government, associations, ordinary people gained knowledge about threats to democracy and peace in Europe, about current problems – migrants, borders closing, tolerance, help for third world’s citizens.

The day of 20/08/2016 was dedicated to discussion forum of youths on topic: „Role of young people in EU’s future creation“ – addressing topics like current EU’s issues – unemployment, confidence crisis, to presentation or „Public discussion“ on topic: „Future of the EU and its security“ – view on current European security situation with aim to put youths attention on risks that threaten building of democracy and common, prosperous Europe – migration, immigrants, closing of boarders Hungary-Serbia, Ukraine, Greece.

21/08/2016 participants, as well as the public had the opportunity to gain overview of opportunities how to participate in voluntary service in the EU, information sources about them, form of engagement. At the same time they could familiar with printed publications dedicated to the EU themes. Various instruments that citizens can use as a form of exercising their rights and use of EU policies in their favour in everyday life at the municipal level were illustratively introduced.

22/08/2016 the official closing conference took place connected with the recovery of the event, presentation of survey results and understanding the issues of active European citizenship, democratic values of the EU, the rights of European citizens, making the EU policies and opportunities to increase its knowledge among ordinary citizens with space for public debate, connected with the possibility of questioning the representatives of local and regional authorities and representatives of the project partners with a view to understanding the purpose of the event and its relevance to the lives of ordinary citizens and civil society actors working at the local level. During the event there was a convergence of thought and values of participants, presentation of the customs, traditions, formal and informal discussions, the presentation of cultural heritage.